Seperti yang kita semua ketahui, kerosakan kakisan logam mempunyai kesan yang besar terhadap jangka hayat, kebolehpercayaan dan jangka hayat injap. Kesan faktor mekanikal dan hakisan pada logam sangat meningkatkan jumlah haus pada permukaan sentuhan. Jumlah aus pada permukaan geseran
injapsemasa operasi. Semasa operasi
injap, the frictional surface is worn and damaged due to the simultaneous mechanical action and the chemical or electrochemical interaction between the metal and the environment. For injaps, the climatic conditions of their pipelines are complicated; the presence of hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide and certain organic acids in media such as oil, natural gas and oil layer water increases the destructive power of the metal surface, which quickly loses its ability to work.
Hakisan dariinjap is usually understood as the damage to the metal material of the injap under the action of a chemical or electrochemical environment. As the corrosion phenomenon occurs in the spontaneous interaction between the metal and the surrounding environment, how to isolate the metal from the surrounding environment or use more non-metallic synthetic materials has become a common concern of people.
Terdapat empat kaedah utama untuk mencegah kakisan logam
injapsdan bahagiannya:
1. Masukkan perencat kakisan yang mudah menguap ke atmosfera wap (bungkusnya dengan kertas penghalang, hembus untuk menghalang udara daripada memasuki ruang produk, dll.).
2. Gunakan larutan air dan alkohol yang tersekat.
3. Sapukan lapisan nipis bahan anti karat (pelindung) ke permukaan
injapdan bahagiannya.
4. Lapisi lapisan yang tersekat atau lapisan polimer nipis di permukaan
injap dan bahagiannya.